Choose the Best District Attorney in CA

Riverside County District Attorney
Riverside County District Attorney Reviews

Review: went in to get help. I was a victim and all I got was rudeness from this person Raquel. At the victim window I was there to get help asking questions and see where I can go from there. I might not know better than you That's why I'm asking. There's no need to be rude. This has stop me in the past but not today!!!! Read More

San Joaquin County District Atty
San Joaquin County District Atty Reviews

Review: They have the worst service what so ever. I filled out 2 request forms and they "misplaced" both. Keep calling everyday and the person named Brenda keep telling me that it is in the process. I called almost everyday and today I found out they lost it again. I had to fill out the 3rd form today. Still waiting for the request letter from the DA. It has been almost 3 months. Worst is that I'm only a witness that hasn't been charged with anything, but because of this the start date for my job keep g... Read More

Stanislaus County District Atty
Stanislaus County District Atty Reviews

Review: Servants of the people means ALL PEOPLE, instead the servants judge n decide who they want to serve if they want to serve and in which manner they will serve you. Snooty look through you not at you. All people desrve the same respect and treatment that you that call yourselves SERVANTS OF THE PPL WOULD WANT TO BE TREATED EXPECT. TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU YOURSELF WANT TO BE TREATED. You dont know what tomorrow may bring, where you may find yourself, nothing in life is permanent, all is temporary.... Read More

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