Choose the Best District Attorney in KY

US Attorney
US Attorney Reviews

Review: Thanks for helping lots of people. Read More

Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney, Jefferson County
Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney, Jefferson County Reviews

Review: Now there are 2 reveiws....; onLy 1 does not equal ...HIGHLY RATED...My experience with this GOVERNMENT ENTITY..has been one of great dismay at the sheer contempt the executive ADMINISTRATION has shown for the office it hoLds..CORRUPTION AND ABUSE. OF OFFICE RUN RAMPET HERE WITH INABILITY to perform even BASIC adhering to establish LAWS by allowing cover ups and. ..Mis represents the colors of Law. Read More

Commonwealth's Attorney's Office
Commonwealth's Attorney's Office Reviews

Review: Do NOT apply for a job here! They do not keep your employment inquiry confidential. Be ready for your current employer to find out that you applied here, whether you like it or not. Read More

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