I had a question about an invoice and was first hung up on. When I called back and got back to her, she said she didn't now what happened and transferred me to who I needed to talk to about the invoice. I then proceeded to be on hold for over two (2) hours. The phone then rang and I was told "Sorry, we are currently experiencing system problems and are unable to process your call." Then I got the busy signal and was disconnected after being on hold for two hours and three minutes!
You would think if they were having system problems, they would have let me know within the first two seconds, not two hours! I am very not happy to say the least.
I am going to be strongly urging my employers to use a different company.
You would think if they were having system problems, they would have let me know within the first two seconds, not two hours! I am very not happy to say the least.
I am going to be strongly urging my employers to use a different company.